BIO – Chip The Cricket
CHIP the cricket
SEX: Male
AGE: Chip is an adult, but probably not as old as Jack the spider. Or maybe he is. Or maybe he’s older. Does it really matter? He’s a cricket. Crickets are the chickens of the bug world. He’s a gonner. Say your goodbyes while you have the chance…
SPECIES: As mentioned, Chip is a cricket. A prey species. The favorite food of predatory bugs like spiders as well as reptiles, amphibians, mammals, and birds.
LIKES: Singing. Like most crickets, Chip is a performer and embued with the gift of song. Unfortunately, he should have kept the gift reciept…
DISLIKES: Chip dislikes being considered food. But then, who would enjoy that?
MISCELLANEOUS: At his core, Chip is a performer. Not only vocally, but in many other forms of entertainment.

Jack’s body is a weapon