I recently heard someone say, “If I could be anyone for one hour, I’d be Bill Gates! I’d just transfer all his money to me!”
I thought, “Damn! That should be a comic strip!”
So I made one.
Then, having already completed it, I got a funny feeling that this might be a joke that’s been around a while. Probably been repeated many times.
I Googled it.
Turns out it’s been around since AT LEAST the early 2000’s.
Feeling stupid for doing a strip that’s basically a rip-off of an old joke, I decided to make up for it by doing some “If you could be anyone-” jokes of my own. Skitter-style.
Enjoy the following 3 strips!

P.S. Originally I intended to make Bill Gates look a bit like Jack with 4 arms, 4 eyes, and Jack’s hair. The hair is still there, as are the extra arms – although they just look like a frenzied TWO arms. I got rid of the 4-eyed glasses, though. It just seemed too confusing.
( Shout-Out to NIKI H for joining Skitter on Patreon! )

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…And then the whole computer restarts itself for absolutely no reason just when the transfer’s at 99%–and you can’t resume. Windows 10 sucks.
Brand new Dell; with Windows 10. Keeps restarting itself for no reason. It doesn’t isntall updates; it just resets; with no explanation.I’m about ready to unleash my inner Goro…
When my tablet gets to 7% battery, it keeps turning itself on. Windows 10.
Every life has its own unique problems…
I just updated this post with the intended text. Turns out I can’t log into Patreon with Internet Explorer… which I’ve been using because my Chrome is on the fritz. I’m now using Firefox
Me: Goro. New tower: Akklaim logo. (Not really; but you get the intention…)
…Or was that Shao Kahn and Kintaro? Been a minute…
I don’t think Goro was at the top of any towers, but I could be wrong
Computer tower. Well; that’s why I’ve always heard ’em called. :p