“Game over, man! GAME OVER!”
I’m sure some people will get the movie references in this comic. I’m also sure some people won’t. It’s sort of a combination of “Wizard of Oz ” and “Aliens “. If you aren’t familiar with “Aliens”, however, here are a couple brief videos to help introduce you to one of the greatest movies of all time:
Back in the Midway days of my gaming career, we would regularly quote “Aliens”. Hudson had the best lines. It’s funny how such an obnoxious jerk of a character could be so beloved.
RIP, Bill Paxton
P.S. A “chigger ” is an insect. Seemed to fit the Skitter bug theme while still keeping with the movie quote. I’ve never seen a chigger, but I have a lot of childhood memories of my mom warning against getting “chigger bites”.
( Special shout-out to fellow cartoonist Ben BD for joining Skitter on Patreon! Check out his webcomic “Dazzworld” and his Patreon! )
Look; man; I only need to know one thing: Where…he…is.
Kick-ass, Vaquez! You’re just too bad…
Tú los sabes, carnal…