Still riffing on the Michael Rotondo story. The guy is 30 years old and moved in with his folks 8 years go. They had enough of him and kicked him out, only to have him sue – yes sue – them to let him stay.
It’s like supporting himself is not even on his agenda.

It sure SOUNDs like a good idea.
becoming a lawyer? or suing his parents?
Becoming a lawyer, getting a job, and moving out.
Yeah, that jerk needs to fly…
Well… flying’s not his problem. Getting his life off the ground is.
There is something to be said for Slacker culture.
Hm. That bird really is just a lazy a**.
Possible response could also have been “I know i should do something to stand on my own feet, but i cannot find a start or a continue to reach a goal”. That is called executive function disorder and should be treated by a therapist.
Please assume the latter until you have proof for the former. Be polite.