This strip is the last in the “Vogel Plague of 2017” series. It really pertains to me, not so much Luna, though she had some of these symptoms as well.
About 2 weeks ago, I caught Luna’s cold… that she got from her preschool. It knocked me out for a couple days, but then just lingered as a never-ending supply of mucus that seriously felt like slugs lived in my nasal passages.
It was just so thick! And no matter how often I blew my nose there was always more!
As of New Years Day 2018 ( when I’m typing this ) it’s finally subsiding. It’s not gone, but it’s minimal enough that I can finally enjoy my time off….
Oh wait… I go back to work tomorrow.
[UPDATE 2018-02-12: I wrote this on Patreon on New Years Day. The cold never left me and transformed into a nasty cough and sore throat. Today I finally saw a doctor. Interestingly enough, all my ailments are related to too much mucus. I now have some meds. We’ll see how things turn out.]
Aaaand there’s my nightmare fuel for the day, thank you very much!
I aim to sneeze… er… please