“Santa’s Village”

Santa’s Village has been a family favorite for those of us in the Chicago area.  It’s a Christmas-themed amusement park and zoo that’s been around probably since before I was born.  It closed down for a while, but eventually opened its doors again.

We took Luna there last month.  She loved it! That little 2-year-old could hold her own on the kiddie roller coasters and other big-kid rides!  I was quite proud.

This comic was born out of a conversation I had with my parents when I told them where we’d been.  They disagreed and told us we couldn’t have been there because it had shut down years ago.  I tried to explain to them that we had indeed just been there… and again they explained that I must be wrong.

Later the joke was, “Well, if not Santa’s Village, where did we go?”  Chalk it up to dyslexia!  We must have gone to “Satan’s Village”!


This weekend I uploaded a bunch of new content for Patreon supporters.

5 New Comics:

24 Avatars:

3 Pencils:

… And a partridge in a pear treeeeeeee!

Thanks for reading Skitter!


John Vogel white


( This comic’s Patreon “Special Thanks” goes to Peter V! )


200 x 200 AVATARS of this comic are now available to Skitter Patreon supporters…

SKITTER AVATARS_Santa's Village_Luna1_50 SKITTER AVATARS_Santa's Village_Luna2_50 SKITTER AVATARS_Santa's Village_Luna3_50 SKITTER AVATARS_Santa's Village_Satan1_50 SKITTER AVATARS_Santa's Village_Satan2_50 SKITTER AVATARS_Santa's Village_Satan's Village1_50 SKITTER AVATARS_Santa's Village_Satan's Village2_50