“You Lose”
Ok that had nothing to do with this comic strip… but it was worth mentioning.
Now, about losing…
How do you react when you lose at a game. When I feel cheated… like if lag interfered, or I felt that I had moved out of the way of the fireball in time…. I can become pretty agitated. Some video games have terrible controls.
I remember when my youngest brother was a kid and playing Nintendo, we would hear him scream at the top of his lungs, “IT CHEATED!!!” over and over and over. It was hilarious. I think he was playing Contra or Mario Brothers.
I’ve gotten that bad with online fighting games. The lag can be a serious issue. I would scream, “I DIDN’T DO THAT!” … because I actually hadn’t. The prediction code done me wrong, predicting what I would do instead of reflecting what I WAS doing. The more lag, the worse the prediction, the bigger the rage monster.
Sorry… I don’t want to think about it. Video game PTSD…
( This comic’s Patreon “Thank You” goes to John H! )
200 x 200 AVATARS created from this comic are available to Skitter Patreon supporters…
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